by Find Your WAE Administrator | Oct 7, 2019 | News & Events
Imagine this. In one hand, you have a bucket filled with wet concrete. In the other hand, you have a pick axe. Every time you have a thought or a feeling associated with envy, jealousy, judgment, fear, doubt or lack, you pour concrete over your own feet. Every...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Sep 30, 2019 | News & Events
When I grow up, I wanna be a stay at home mom and at home daycare provider turned work from home mom who is a reiki practitioner, online wellness coach, lifestyle mentor, writer and blogger, who also handmakes WAEbands and teaches people to stand in their light. 😳...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Sep 23, 2019 | News & Events
Your kid falls down. He scrapes his knee. It’s bleeding, so you grab a tissue to clean it up. You give your kiddo a squeeze and say, “don’t cry, it’s gonna be ok! I love you.” A dad and son are playing ball. The son makes a bad pass and gets upset. He starts getting...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Sep 17, 2019 | News & Events
Meditation is not what you think… Picture a room filled with zen vibes and people laying still on their mats. A dull whisper of wind chimes lulling through the air. The bubbling water feature giving just enough connection to nature. Everyone is silent and still....
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Sep 9, 2019 | News & Events
You wake up in the morning. Get out of bed, ready for the day. Stretch. Smile. And then you stub your toe. Ughhhhhh. You hobble to the bathroom to get in the shower and realize there aren’t any towels in the linen closet. You grab a hand towel and hope for the...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Sep 2, 2019 | News & Events
Let me start this by saying you guys are seriously amazing with all your love and support! We haven’t yet heard back from The Big Find to see what the future holds, but sharing all the deets of this journey is such a blast…so here goes. I think we left off with...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Aug 26, 2019 | News & Events
QVC was always a household name growing up. Whenever my mom watched TV when we were little, it was either soap operas or QVC and HSN. And now I gotta tell ya, I love them, too! Not soap operas😂 but home shopping! Somethin about it. So get this, when we started making...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Aug 19, 2019 | News & Events
Teacher assignments came in the mail while we were on vacation down the cape. We pulled in the driveway and everyone dispersed. Bubbs and Chuck ran to the mailbox, excitedly hauling ass back ripping open envelopes. Braelyn popped on her chrome book to log in and see...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Aug 11, 2019 | News & Events
I feel like a fortune cookie. Confucius says: Life is short. Eat the cookie. Taren says: Life is long. Eat the cookie. Do the burpees. Drink the water. Read the book. Do the meditation. Get the sleep. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I was...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Aug 5, 2019 | News & Events
I grab my purse and toss it over my shoulder. I make sure the gate is closed so the dog doesn’t poop on the carpet. I step outside and panic for a second making sure I have my keys. It’s actually embarrassing how many times I have locked us out of the house. My hands...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Jul 29, 2019 | News & Events
People are all like, I gotta find my purpose. Listen, my purpose legit fell into my lap when I truly wasn’t even actively searching for it. But after a little time, I realized I really was working toward it my whole entire LIFE. I just didn’t know it! Here’s...
by Find Your WAE Administrator | Jul 25, 2019 | News & Events
Truth be told, I tried blogging a few years ago. But I totally overthought it and it just didn’t feel authentic. This time, I just wanna keep it real. That’s my motto peeps. All the goodness is in the realness. So here’s a little backstory in case you’re new round...